From Landfill to Footwear: How Wheelies Transforms Old Tires into Stylish Shoes

Did you know that around 300 million tires are disposed into landfills in the U.S. each year? These tires take a whopping 2000 years to revert back to nature, all the while releasing toxins into our air, soil, and groundwater. But what if I told you there’s a company that’s turning this environmental nightmare into a fashion statement?

Meet Wheelies, a not-for-profit shoe brand that’s on a mission to save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes. Yes, you heard that right. Shoes made from used tires!

When I first heard about Wheelies, I was intrigued. A shoe made from old tires? It sounded like a crazy idea. But the more I learned about their mission and the process, the more I was hooked.

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In this blog post, I’m going to take you on a journey from landfill to footwear, showing you how Wheelies transforms old tires into stylish shoes. So, buckle up and get ready for a ride that’s as exciting as it is inspiring.

The Problem with Landfill Tires

Let’s face it, we’ve got a serious problem on our hands. Every year, a staggering 300 million tires are discarded in the U.S. alone. And where do they end up? In our already overflowing landfills.

These tires are not just taking up valuable space, they’re also causing significant environmental damage. They don’t biodegrade, meaning they stick around for thousands of years. And during that time, they’re releasing harmful toxins into our air, soil, and groundwater.

But that’s not all. Tires in landfills are a breeding ground for mosquitoes, increasing the risk of diseases like the West Nile Virus. They’re also a fire hazard, with tire fires producing acid smoke that’s harmful to both humans and the environment.

And let’s not forget about the socio-economic impact. Illegal dumping of tires often occurs in low-income areas, driving down home values and leading to socio-economic segregation.

In short, our tire disposal methods are causing a whole host of problems. But what if there was a better way? What if we could turn this environmental nightmare into a solution? That’s where Wheelies comes in.

The Mission of Wheelies

Now, let’s talk about Wheelies. This isn’t your average shoe company. No, Wheelies is on a mission. A mission to save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes.

Imagine that. A shoe company that’s not just about making profits, but about making a difference. A company that’s tackling one of our biggest environmental problems head-on.

But Wheelies isn’t just about recycling tires. It’s about raising awareness. It’s about showing people that there’s a better way to deal with our waste. That we can turn what was once a problem into a solution.

And the best part? Wheelies is a not-for-profit brand. That means every dollar they make goes back into their mission. Back into saving more tires from landfills. Back into creating more eco-friendly shoes.

In a world where companies often put profits before people and the planet, Wheelies is a breath of fresh air. They’re showing us that it’s possible to do business in a way that’s good for both the bottom line and the planet. And for that, they deserve our applause.

The Birth of Wheelies

Every great idea starts with a spark. For Wheelies, that spark was ignited at the Holliston Shark Tank Competition. Picture this: a room full of ambitious entrepreneurs, each with their unique ideas, all vying for the top spot. Amidst this sea of innovation, Wheelies stood out with its mission to tackle the growing problem of non-biodegradable tires in landfills.

Winning the competition was just the beginning. With the funds received, we embarked on a journey to create our first prototype. A shoe, or rather a sandal, with a sole made from recycled tires. It was a simple idea, but one that held the potential to make a significant impact on our environment.

Creating the first prototype was no easy task. It involved countless hours of designing, testing, and refining. But with each iteration, the vision of Wheelies became clearer.

This is the story of how Wheelies was born. A story of passion, perseverance, and a commitment to making a difference. So, sit back, relax, and join me as we delve into the birth of a shoe company that’s changing the world, one tire at a time.


The Idea

The genesis of Wheelies was a simple yet powerful idea: to create shoes from used tires destined for landfills. It all started with a 30-second pitch video for Team Eric’s Local Shark Tank Competition. The initial summary was, “[Wheelies] plans to reuse these tires into fashionable, eco-friendly shoes, marketed as a luxury brand”.

The idea was born out of a growing concern for the environment. With around 300 million tires being disposed into landfills in the U.S. each year, the need for a solution was clear. These tires take 2000 years to revert back to nature, all the while contaminating our air, soil, and groundwater.

The solution? Wheelies. A not-for-profit shoe brand that would take these landfill tires and recycle them into shoe soles. A brand that would not only help reduce environmental pollution but also create stylish, eco-friendly shoes.

This was the idea that sparked the birth of Wheelies. An idea that was as ambitious as it was inspiring. An idea that would soon become a reality.

The Holliston Shark Tank Competition

The Holliston Shark Tank Competition was the launchpad for Wheelies. It was here that we first pitched our idea to Team Eric. Picture this: a room buzzing with anticipation, filled with entrepreneurs eager to share their innovative ideas. Amidst this, we stood with our unique proposition – a solution to the tire landfill problem.

Our pitch was simple yet impactful. We wanted to transform discarded tires into fashionable, eco-friendly shoes. The idea was bold, ambitious, and it caught the attention of Team Eric. They saw the potential in our vision and awarded us $500 to bring our pitch to life.

This win was more than just a financial boost. It was a validation of our idea. It gave us the confidence to move forward, to take the next step in our journey. It was the push we needed to start turning our vision into reality.

The Holliston Shark Tank Competition was the beginning of our journey. It was the spark that ignited the birth of Wheelies. And the rest, as they say, is history.

The Funding and Prototyping Process

After the win at the Holliston Shark Tank Competition, we were fueled with a newfound energy and a $500 grant. But we knew that to bring Wheelies to life, we needed more funding. So, we turned to crowdfunding and grants, and the response was overwhelming. People loved our idea and were ready to support us.

With the funds in place, we moved on to the next step – prototyping. We wanted to create a shoe that was not just eco-friendly, but also stylish and comfortable. We partnered with overseas manufacturers and started working on our first batch.

The prototyping process was a journey of trial and error. We experimented with different designs, materials, and manufacturing techniques. We tested, refined, and tested again until we had a shoe that we were proud of.

The journey from funding to prototyping was challenging, but it was also incredibly rewarding. With each step, we were getting closer to our goal. And with each step, we were making a difference, one tire at a time.

The Wheelies Shoe

Imagine walking down the street, your feet comfortably encased in a pair of stylish shoes. Now, imagine those shoes were once part of a tire, destined for a landfill. Sounds unbelievable, right? But that’s exactly what we’ve achieved with Wheelies.

Our journey from an idea to a tangible product has been nothing short of remarkable. We’ve taken something as mundane and environmentally damaging as a used tire and transformed it into a fashionable, eco-friendly shoe.

But Wheelies is more than just a shoe. It’s a statement. A statement that says you care about the environment. A statement that says you’re part of the solution, not the problem.

In this section, we’re going to delve into the details of the Wheelies shoe. We’ll talk about the design, the materials, and the manufacturing process. We’ll show you how we’ve managed to turn a tire into a shoe without compromising on style or comfort.


So, get ready to step into the world of Wheelies, where fashion meets sustainability.

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The Design

When it came to designing the Wheelies shoe, we had two main goals in mind. First, we wanted to create a shoe that was eco-friendly. Second, we wanted to ensure that our shoe was stylish and comfortable.

The design process started with the sole, the heart of our shoe. We took used tires and repurposed them into soles, maintaining the exact tire pattern. This not only gave our shoes a unique look but also highlighted our mission of repurposing tires.

Next, we focused on the upper part of the shoe. We wanted to create a design that was versatile and could be worn for various occasions. After several iterations, we settled on a design that was casual yet fashionable.

Comfort was another key aspect of our design. We ensured that our shoes were comfortable to wear, regardless of the recycled tire soles.

The result? A shoe that’s not just eco-friendly, but also stylish and comfortable. A shoe that makes a statement. A shoe that’s truly one of a kind. That’s the Wheelies shoe for you.

The Materials

When it comes to the materials used in Wheelies, we’ve made no compromises. Our primary material, the one that sets us apart, is used tires. We reclaim the tread of the tire to create a shoe sole. The traction, hardness, and thickness of used tire tread make it an excellent material for soles.

But it’s not just about the soles. We’ve ensured that every part of our shoe is eco-friendly. For the upper part of the shoe, we’ve chosen materials that are sustainable and durable. We’ve also made sure that these materials are comfortable, because we believe that comfort should never be compromised for sustainability.

Our commitment to using recycled and sustainable materials doesn’t stop at our shoes. Even our packaging is eco-friendly. We’ve chosen packaging materials that are recyclable and have a minimal impact on the environment.

In short, every material used in Wheelies, from the soles to the packaging, is chosen with care. We’ve made sure that our shoes are not just eco-friendly, but also stylish, comfortable, and durable. Because at Wheelies, we believe in creating shoes that you can feel good about, in every sense of the word.

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The Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of Wheelies is where the magic happens. It’s where a used tire transforms into a stylish, eco-friendly shoe.

The process begins with the collection of used tires. These tires are then cleaned and cut into the shape of a shoe sole, maintaining the exact tire pattern. This not only gives our shoes a unique look but also highlights our mission of repurposing tires.

Next, we move on to the upper part of the shoe. We’ve chosen materials that are sustainable and durable. These materials are cut and shaped to fit the design of our shoe.

Once the upper part and the sole are ready, they are assembled together. This is done with precision and care, ensuring that every shoe is perfect.

But our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop at the manufacturing process. Even our packaging is eco-friendly. We’ve chosen packaging materials that are recyclable and have a minimal impact on the environment.

In short, every step of our manufacturing process is designed with sustainability in mind. Because at Wheelies, we believe in creating shoes that are good for you and the planet.

The Impact of Wheelies

Every year, millions of tires are discarded into landfills, causing significant environmental damage. But what if we could turn this problem into a solution? That’s exactly what we’re doing at Wheelies.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to transform used tires into stylish, eco-friendly shoes. But the impact of Wheelies goes beyond just reducing landfill waste. It’s about creating a positive environmental effect, raising awareness about sustainable fashion, and promoting a culture of recycling.

In this section, we’re going to delve into the impact of Wheelies. We’ll explore how our shoes are helping to reduce pollution, how we’re raising awareness about the importance of sustainable fashion, and how we’re contributing to the growth of the sustainable footwear industry.

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So, get ready to discover the impact of Wheelies, a shoe brand that’s not just making a fashion statement, but also an environmental one. Because at Wheelies, we believe that fashion and sustainability can go hand in hand.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of Wheelies is profound. By repurposing used tires into shoe soles, we’re significantly reducing the number of tires that end up in landfills. This not only helps conserve valuable landfill space but also reduces the release of harmful toxins into our environment.

But the impact doesn’t stop there. By choosing sustainable materials for the upper part of our shoes and our packaging, we’re further reducing our environmental footprint. We’re showing that it’s possible to create a product that’s not just stylish and comfortable, but also kind to our planet.

Moreover, by promoting a culture of recycling and sustainability, we’re raising awareness about the importance of eco-friendly practices. We’re inspiring others to make more sustainable choices in their lives.

In short, every pair of Wheelies shoes is a step towards a greener future. A future where fashion and sustainability go hand in hand. A future where we’re not just consumers, but also caretakers of our planet. That’s the environmental impact of Wheelies.

Social Impact

The social impact of Wheelies extends beyond the realm of sustainable fashion. By creating a product that repurposes waste, we’re not just reducing pollution, we’re also raising awareness about the importance of recycling and sustainability.

Our mission is to inspire change. We want to show people that it’s possible to make choices that are good for them and good for the planet. We want to encourage people to think about the impact of their actions and to make more sustainable choices in their lives.

But our social impact doesn’t stop there. As a not-for-profit brand, every dollar we make goes back into our mission. This means that every pair of Wheelies shoes sold contributes to the reduction of tire waste and the promotion of sustainable practices.

Moreover, we’re committed to promoting other organizations that share our vision. We’re using our platform to spread the word about the importance of sustainability and to support other initiatives that are making a difference.

In short, Wheelies is more than just a shoe brand. It’s a movement. A movement towards a more sustainable and conscious future. That’s the social impact of Wheelies.

Comparison with Other Brands

In the world of footwear, competition is fierce. Brands like Nike, Adidas, and Reebok have long dominated the market with their high-quality, stylish shoes. But there’s a new player in town – Wheelies.

Unlike traditional shoe brands, Wheelies is not just about style or comfort. It’s about making a difference. It’s about taking a problem – the growing number of tires in landfills – and turning it into a solution.

In this section, we’re going to compare Wheelies with other major shoe brands. We’ll look at how our shoes stack up in terms of quality, comfort, and price. We’ll also delve into the unique selling proposition of Wheelies – our commitment to sustainability.

So, get ready for an exciting comparison. A comparison that will show you why Wheelies is not just another shoe brand. A comparison that will highlight the unique value proposition of Wheelies. Because at Wheelies, we’re not just making shoes, we’re making a difference.


When it comes to sustainable footwear, Allbirds is a brand that often comes to mind. Known for their comfortable, eco-friendly shoes, Allbirds has made a significant impact in the sustainable fashion industry.

Like Wheelies, Allbirds is committed to using sustainable materials. They use merino wool, fibers from eucalyptus trees, and even laces made from recycled bottles. They’ve also introduced a resale marketplace, extending the life of their products and reducing their impact on the planet.

However, there’s a key difference between Wheelies and Allbirds. While Allbirds focuses on using natural materials, Wheelies takes it a step further by repurposing used tires into shoe soles. This not only reduces waste but also gives our shoes a unique look and story.

In terms of comfort, both brands are on par. Allbirds shoes are known for their lightweight, bouncy feel, while Wheelies shoes are designed to be comfortable and supportive.

In short, while Allbirds has set a high standard in the sustainable footwear industry, Wheelies is carving out its own niche by transforming waste into stylish, eco-friendly shoes.


Indosole is another brand that’s making waves in the sustainable footwear industry. Like Wheelies, Indosole is on a mission to reduce waste and promote sustainability. They do this by transforming old tires, which would otherwise contribute to Indonesia’s massive landfill problem, into stylish and durable footwear.

What sets Indosole apart is their commitment to local craftsmanship. They work with artisans in Bali, Indonesia to handcraft each pair of shoes. This not only provides employment opportunities but also helps to preserve traditional craftsmanship techniques.

In terms of sustainability, Indosole is a certified B Corporation and a member of 1% for the Planet, donating 1% of their sales to environmental nonprofits. This shows their commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

However, while Indosole focuses on sandals and flip flops, Wheelies offers a wider range of footwear styles. Also, Wheelies’ unique design, which maintains the exact tire pattern on the soles, gives our shoes a unique edge.

In short, while Indosole is a commendable player in the sustainable footwear industry, Wheelies stands out with its unique design and wider product range.


How does Wheelies transform old tires into stylish shoes?

At Wheelies, we start the transformation process by collecting used tires. These tires are then cleaned and cut into the shape of a shoe sole, maintaining the exact tire pattern. This not only gives our shoes a unique look but also highlights our mission of repurposing tires.

Next, we focus on the upper part of the shoe. We use sustainable and durable materials that are cut and shaped to fit the design of our shoe.

Once the upper part and the sole are ready, they are assembled together with precision and care, ensuring that every shoe is perfect.

So, in essence, Wheelies transforms old tires into stylish shoes by repurposing the tires into soles, using sustainable materials for the rest of the shoe, and assembling it all together to create a shoe that’s not just eco-friendly, but also stylish and comfortable.

What materials are used in the production of Wheelies shoes?

The primary material used in the production of Wheelies shoes is used tires. We reclaim the tread of the tire to create the sole of the shoe. For the upper part of the shoe, we use sustainable and durable materials. We are still in the process of finalizing the exact type and look of the upper part of the shoe. All the materials used in Wheelies shoes are chosen with care to ensure that they are not just eco-friendly, but also stylish, comfortable, and durable.

How does the manufacturing process of Wheelies contribute to sustainability?

The manufacturing process of Wheelies contributes to sustainability in several ways. Firstly, we start by collecting used tires that would otherwise end up in landfills. These tires are then cleaned and cut into the shape of a shoe sole, maintaining the exact tire pattern. This process not only gives our shoes a unique look but also reduces waste and the environmental damage associated with tire disposal.

Secondly, for the upper part of the shoe, we use sustainable and durable materials. This further reduces our environmental footprint and promotes the use of eco-friendly materials in the fashion industry.

Lastly, even our packaging is eco-friendly. We’ve chosen packaging materials that are recyclable and have a minimal impact on the environment.

In short, every step of our manufacturing process is designed with sustainability in mind. We’re not just making shoes, we’re making a difference.

What is the environmental and social impact of Wheelies?

The environmental impact of Wheelies is significant. By repurposing used tires into shoe soles, we’re reducing the number of tires that end up in landfills. This not only helps conserve valuable landfill space but also reduces the release of harmful toxins into our environment when tires break down or combust.

In terms of social impact, Wheelies is raising awareness about the importance of recycling and sustainability. Our mission is to inspire change and encourage people to think about the impact of their actions. By creating a product that repurposes waste, we’re showing that it’s possible to make choices that are good for both us and the planet.

Moreover, as a not-for-profit brand, every dollar we make goes back into our mission. This means that every pair of Wheelies shoes sold contributes to the reduction of tire waste and the promotion of sustainable practices. We’re also committed to promoting other organizations that share our vision, using our platform to spread the word about the importance of sustainability and to support other initiatives that are making a difference.

In short, Wheelies is more than just a shoe brand. It’s a movement towards a more sustainable and conscious future.

How does Wheelies compare with other sustainable footwear brands like Allbirds and Indosole?

When compared to other sustainable footwear brands like Allbirds and Indosole, Wheelies has a unique edge. While Allbirds focuses on using natural materials to create their shoes, Wheelies takes it a step further by repurposing used tires into shoe soles. This not only reduces waste but also gives our shoes a unique look and story.

In terms of Indosole, they also repurpose tires, but they grind the tire into granules to make a sole and primarily manufacture flip-flops. This narrows down their market to people in tropical, summer climates. On the other hand, Wheelies aims to cater to a wider audience by offering a range of footwear styles.

Moreover, unlike Allbirds, our shoes feature the exact tire pattern, adding to the uniqueness and sustainability factor. Wheelies are the only “environment positive” shoes, meaning we repurpose, rather than use new material, thus providing a “positive” environmental effect.

In short, while Allbirds and Indosole are commendable players in the sustainable footwear industry, Wheelies stands out with its unique design, wider product range, and commitment to repurposing waste.


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