Wheelies: The Journey of a Tire from Landfill to Footwear

shoes from tires

Imagine this: Every year, around 300 million tires are disposed of in landfills in the U.S. alone. These tires take a whopping 2000 years to break down, all the while releasing toxins into our air, soil, and groundwater. Now, what if I told you there’s a way to turn this environmental nightmare into a fashion statement?

Welcome to the world of Wheelies, a not-for-profit shoe brand that’s on a mission to save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes. Yes, you heard that right. Shoes made from used tires.

In this post, I’m going to take you on a fascinating journey – the journey of a tire from landfill to footwear. We’ll explore how Wheelies is turning a massive environmental problem into a solution that’s not just practical, but also stylish.

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So, if you’re a shoe lover with a conscience, or just someone who’s curious about innovative solutions to environmental problems, stick around. This is a story you don’t want to miss.

The Problem of Tire Waste

Let’s face it, we’ve got a tire problem. Every year, we’re churning out a staggering 250 million tires in the U.S. alone. Now, that’s a lot of rubber hitting the road. But here’s the kicker: these tires don’t just disappear when they’ve run their course.

Nope. They end up in landfills, taking up precious space and leaching harmful chemicals into our environment. And with each tire taking a mind-boggling 2000 years to decompose, we’re looking at a problem that’s not going away anytime soon.

But wait, there’s more. These discarded tires aren’t just an environmental hazard. They’re a health risk too. Picture this: piles of tires turning into breeding grounds for mosquitoes and potential ignition points for tire fires. Not a pretty sight, right?

So, we’ve got a mountain of a problem. But as they say, every problem is an opportunity in disguise. And that’s where Wheelies comes in. But more on that later. For now, let’s dive deeper into the tire waste issue and why it’s such a big deal.

The Birth of Wheelies

Now, let’s rewind a bit. Picture this: a group of visionaries, environmentalists, and shoe enthusiasts sitting around a table. They’re brainstorming, trying to come up with a solution to the tire waste problem. And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hits them. Why not turn these tires into shoes?

And just like that, Wheelies was born. A not-for-profit shoe brand with a mission as bold as its name: to save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes.

But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. There were challenges, setbacks, and a whole lot of prototyping. But with every hurdle, the team at Wheelies only grew more determined. They knew they were onto something big. Something that could change the game in a sustainable fashion.

And so, they persevered. They refined their design, pitched their idea at the Holliston Shark Tank Competition, and won. With the funds they received, they embarked on a journey to create their first prototype. And the rest, as they say, is history.

So, that’s the birth story of Wheelies. A tale of innovation, determination, and a whole lot of recycled rubber.

The Wheelies Mission

Imagine a world where the very thing that’s choking our landfills and polluting our environment becomes the solution. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, that’s exactly what Wheelies is all about.

We’re not just a shoe company. We’re a movement. A mission. A dream to turn the tide on tire waste. Our goal? To save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes.

But it’s not just about making shoes. It’s about making a difference. It’s about taking a stand against the growing problem of non-biodegradable tires in our landfills. It’s about saying no to the toxins being released into our atmosphere.

And the best part? We’re doing it all while creating stylish, comfortable shoes that you’ll love to wear.

So, if you’re ready to join us on this journey, buckle up. Because we’re about to take you on a ride through the mission, vision, and passion that drives Wheelies. It’s a story of innovation, determination, and a whole lot of recycled rubber. And trust me, it’s a ride you don’t want to miss.

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The Vision

Imagine a world where the mountains of tires in our landfills start to shrink. Picture the air getting cleaner, the soil-less toxic, and the groundwater purer. That’s the world Wheelies envisions.

Our vision is simple, yet ambitious. We want to save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes. But it’s not just about the shoes. It’s about the impact. The change. The difference we can make to our planet and its people.

We see a future where every step you take in a pair of Wheelies is a step towards a cleaner, greener world. A world where fashion and sustainability go hand in hand. A world where every shoe tells a story of innovation, determination, and a whole lot of recycled rubber.

But we can’t do it alone. We need you. We need your support, your voice, your feet. Together, we can turn this vision into reality. We can turn the tide on tire waste. And we can do it one shoe at a time. So, are you ready to join us on this journey?

The Pitch

Now, let’s talk about the pitch. The moment when we stood in front of the sharks at the Holliston Shark Tank Competition, hearts pounding, palms sweating. But we were ready. We believed in our mission, and we were determined to make them believe too.

Our pitch was simple. We painted a picture of the growing tire waste problem, the mountains of non-biodegradable tires choking our landfills, releasing toxins into our atmosphere. We talked about the 2,000 years it takes for a tire to decompose, and the environmental and health risks it poses.

And then, we presented our solution. Wheelies. A shoe made from repurposed tires. A shoe that’s not just eco-friendly, but also stylish and comfortable. A shoe that could help reduce tire waste, one pair at a time.

The sharks were hooked. They saw the potential, the vision, the impact. And we won. We received the funds to embark on our journey to create our first prototype.

That pitch was the start of our journey. A journey that’s still ongoing, still evolving. But one thing’s for sure. We’re not stopping until every tire is saved from landfills.

The Prototyping Process

Every great product starts with a prototype. A tangible representation of an idea, a dream. And for Wheelies, that prototype was the first step toward turning our vision into reality.

But let me tell you, the journey from idea to prototype wasn’t a walk in the park. It was a rollercoaster ride of brainstorming, designing, testing, failing, and starting all over again. But with every failure, we learned. We improved. We got one step closer to our goal.

And then, one day, it happened. We held in our hands the first pair of Wheelies. A pair of shoes made from repurposed tires. It was a moment of triumph, of validation. But more than anything, it was a moment of realization. A realization that we were onto something big. Something that could change the game in a sustainable fashion.

So, if you’re curious about how we turned a tire into a shoe, stick around. Because we’re about to take you behind the scenes of the Wheelies prototyping process. It’s a story of innovation, determination, and a whole lot of recycled rubber. And trust me, it’s a ride you don’t want to miss.

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Designing the Shoe

Designing a shoe is an art. But designing a shoe from a used tire? That’s a whole new level of creativity. And that’s exactly what we set out to do at Wheelies.

Our design process started with a vision. A vision of a shoe that’s not just eco-friendly, but also stylish and comfortable. A shoe that you’d love to wear, not just for its looks, but for the story it tells.

But turning this vision into reality wasn’t easy. We had to figure out how to cut the tire, how to shape it, and how to make it comfortable. We had to consider the tread pattern, the flexibility, and the durability. And above all, we had to ensure that the shoe was safe to wear.

It was a process of trial and error, of learning and unlearning. But with every failure, we got closer to our goal. We refined our design, improved our technique, and learned more about the material we were working with.

And finally, after countless hours of brainstorming, designing, and testing, we had it. The first design of a Wheelies shoe. A shoe made from a repurposed tire. A shoe that was ready to take its first step towards a cleaner, greener world.

Challenges and Solutions

Creating a shoe from a used tire was no easy feat. We faced our fair share of challenges. But as they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. And we were determined to find that way.

Our first challenge was sourcing the tires. We needed tires that were worn out, but not too worn out. Tires that were sturdy, but flexible enough to be shaped into a shoe. It was a delicate balance, and finding the right tires took time and effort.

Then came the design. Our first prototype was a flip-flop with a rock-hard sole. It was uncomfortable to wear, to say the least. But we didn’t let that deter us. We took the feedback, went back to the drawing board, and came up with a new design. A boot with a more comfortable tread.

But the biggest challenge was finding someone who could bring our design to life. Many cobblers turned us down, saying they couldn’t make a shoe from a tire. But we didn’t give up. We kept searching until we found a cobbler who was up for the challenge.

And so, with every challenge, we found a solution. With every setback, we moved one step closer to our goal. And that’s the story of how we turned a tire into a shoe.

Competitive Landscape

In the world of sustainable footwear, Wheelies is not alone. There’s a whole host of brands out there, each with its own unique approach to tackling the environmental impact of shoes. Some are using recycled materials, others are focusing on ethical production practices. But all are united by a common goal: to make the footwear industry more sustainable.

But let’s be clear. This isn’t just about saving the planet. It’s also about staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market. Consumers are becoming more conscious about the environmental impact of their purchases. They’re looking for brands that align with their values. And they’re willing to pay a premium for sustainable products.

So, if you’re curious about who’s who in the sustainable footwear scene, you’re in the right place. We’re about to dive into the competitive landscape of this burgeoning industry. We’ll look at some of the key players, their strategies, and how they’re shaping the future of footwear.

So, buckle up. Because we’re about to take a deep dive into the world of sustainable shoes. And trust me, it’s a journey you don’t want to miss.

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When it comes to sustainable footwear, Allbirds is a name that stands out. This Certified B Corp has made a name for itself with its eco-friendly shoes that don’t compromise on comfort or style.

Allbirds’ approach to sustainability is holistic. They replace petroleum-based synthetics with natural alternatives wherever possible. The merino wool in their shoes comes from ethically farmed and raised sheep. The foam in their soles is made from sugarcane, and the laces are from recycled bottles. Even the eyelets are constructed from bio-TPU, a microorganism that eats plant sugars.

But it’s not just about the materials. Allbirds is also committed to reducing its carbon footprint to near zero. They’re not just talking the talk, they’re walking the walk. Literally.

And let’s not forget about the shoes themselves. Lightweight, bouncy, and wildly comfortable, Allbirds shoes make any outing feel effortless. Whether you’re going for a run, hitting the trails, or just running errands, Allbirds has got you covered.

So, if you’re looking for a sustainable shoe brand that’s serious about its environmental impact, Allbirds is definitely one to watch.

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Indosole is a name that resonates in the sustainable footwear industry. This certified B Corporation has been turning heads with its unique approach to shoe-making. They’re not just making shoes, they’re making a difference.

Indosole shoes are crafted from upcycled tires that would otherwise end up in landfills or incinerators. These tires are collected from local scrapyards, cleaned, cut, and vulcanized to create a durable rubber outsole. The uppers? They’re made from recycled materials like hemp, organic cotton, and recycled plastic bottles.

But it’s not just about the shoes. Indosole is also committed to supporting local economies and preserving traditional craftsmanship techniques. They work with local artisans in Bali, Indonesia to handcraft each pair of shoes.

And let’s not forget about their commitment to the environment. As a member of 1% for the Planet, Indosole donates 1% of its sales to environmental nonprofits.

So, if you’re looking for a sustainable shoe brand that’s serious about its environmental impact, Indosole is definitely one to watch. Their shoes are stylish, comfortable, and made to last. And the best part? Every pair of Indosole shoes tells a story of sustainability, craftsmanship, and a whole lot of recycled rubber.


What is the mission of Wheelies?

The mission of Wheelies is to save every tire from landfills by repurposing them into eco-friendly shoes. The company is driven by the goal of reducing the growing amount of non-biodegradable tires in landfills, which release toxins into the atmosphere. By creating shoes with soles made from used tires, Wheelies aims to lower the number of tires that end up in landfills and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.

How does Wheelies contribute to solving the tire waste problem?

Wheelies contributes to solving the tire waste problem by repurposing used tires into shoe soles. Each year, hundreds of millions of tires are disposed of in landfills, causing harm to the environment. Wheelies aim to reduce this harm by taking the rubber tread of these used tires and shaping them into shoe soles. This process not only gives a new life to the tires that would otherwise end up in landfills but also helps in reducing the pollution caused by tire disposal. By creating shoes from used tires, Wheelies is actively contributing to the reduction of tire waste and promoting a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to footwear.

What was the process of creating the first Wheelies prototype?

The process of creating the first Wheelies prototype was a journey of exploration and learning. After winning the Holliston Shark Tank Competition and receiving funds from Team Eric, we embarked on our mission to create a shoe from repurposed tires.

The first step was designing the shoe. We decided on a sandal with a sole made from a recycled tire. However, the specifics of how we would source the tires and create the shoe were still unknown.

Over the summer, we began the process of creating the first prototype. We decided to seek advice from shoe experts and visited Cobbler Shop West in Natick. The cobbler there informed us that he couldn’t make an entire shoe from scratch or create it from a tire. However, he did provide us with a valuable piece of advice: if we brought a shoe and the tire sole, he could glue them together to create a shoe with a tire sole.

This advice led us to our first prototype, a sandal with a sole made from a recycled tire. It was a significant milestone in our journey and a stepping stone towards our mission of repurposing used tires into fashionable, eco-friendly shoes.

How does Wheelies compare to other sustainable footwear brands like Allbirds and Indosole?

Wheelies stands out from other sustainable footwear brands like Allbirds and Indosole due to its unique approach to sustainability and design. Unlike Allbirds, which uses new natural materials to create their shoes, Wheelies repurposes used tires, providing a positive environmental effect by reducing tire waste. This approach makes Wheelies the only “environment-positive” shoes in the market.

While Indosole also repurposes tires, they primarily manufacture flip-flops, which limits their market to people in tropical, summer climates. On the other hand, Wheelies aims to create a broader range of footwear, expanding its market reach.

Moreover, Wheelies shoes feature the exact tire pattern, offering a unique, sustainable look. This design aspect sets Wheelies apart from its competitors, making each pair of shoes a statement of environmental consciousness and style.


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